Inform your customers

Business & Finance

I've been a happy Nedbank client for alot oif years, and today I am feeling a shocked about their service to me. I changed my loan debit order date from the 25th of the month to the 1st of the month. The guy said its fine and it was done. First month after the change, the debit order still went of on the 25th and on the 1st so I called in and asked for a refund. They referred it to the accounts department to check for arrears and then the refund was made. Nothing mentioned of changing a DO date from the 25th to the 1st putting you on ONE WHOLE month of arrears and I received my refund. TO my utter shock they then simply double deducted again yesterday. No warning to make provisions etc, and really left me in a horrible financial situation for the month. When I called in this morning, suddenly the excuse was that changing the DO date from the 25th to the 1st of each month, will cause an arrears on your account (not sure how a 5 day do date difference can do that) but anyhow I asked if they can at least then take the double amount next month so that I can at least make provision. And the simple answer was NO. Maybe You need to tell your clients these IMPORTANT bits of information!!!

Company: Nedbank
Country: South Africa
City: Loans department
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Standard Bank
Change of debit order date

First National Bank
Double debit in my account

Old Mutual
Efuse to change debit order date

Personal loan and bad feedback

Double debits Deduction

First National Bank
Denied changing an incorrect debit order date

Confirmation SMS but it never gets actioned

Early deduction of debit order without my consent

Double debit

NEDBANK - Dishonest of the highest order!