First National Bank
FNB card looses my information five times

Business & Finance

I applied for a credit card online, and was then asked to send a letter from my accountant as well as a copy of my ID. I scanned these into Word (the old .doc format) so that anyone can open it. A week later I was told that they received my ID but not the letter from the accountant. They were sent via the same email? Another two tries later, I was told to rather take it to a FNB branch. I did that. Another week later, and I was given a personal email to send them to, but this time with a request that they be in PDF format. That was done and sent a week ago.
Unfortunately the call center simply checks if they received anything, but does not take responsibility or accountability for the documents.
As a matter of interest, my private and business accounts are with FNB.

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Card division
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