Nashua Mobile
Very bad service


Gosh where to start, fisrt of all, two of my phone contracts were about to expire, so I had them renewed to upgrade

Nashua mobile said to me, that I would receive my new phones on the latest by Thursday, the contract that I have renewed was the Friday before, the Wednesday I received one of my new upgrades, telling me I would receive my other the following day, never happened, so I phoned the next day, so a consultant said to me they will have a look and clear up the mess, they will give me a call back, never happened.

Later that evening I decided to phone back, never got through, even though the shop closes at 7pm, and so by the way never got through to them, phone kept ringing, phoned back, number busy, phone again, ringing... Nobody answered, 30calls to be exact, nobody answered

So the following day, I decided to pop in to the shop, and what do they tell me??? Sorry sir, the phones are out of stock.

Poor poor poo

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Clear water mall
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