My money


In sept 2013 i cancelled my contract with nr 0833774905. I paid over 5000 to cancel the contract as it was an early termination. Friday evening 29 november 2013 i got an sms from the bank to say mtn put through a debit order for just over 4600. Clearing out my bank account in the process. This is and. So thanks to mtn i had to borrow money from someone so that my debit orders are paid and not returned. Thanks to mtn i could not pay my rent nor could i pay any of my accounts. So because i cannot pay my accounts on time late payment interest will be added to my accounts and it will reflect against my name at itc as late payments. Mtn do you think this is right. What the are you people doing there. I want my money back in my account no later than wednesday 4 december 2013. NO I WILL NOT WAIT 5 OR 7 DAYS FOR THE MONEY TO BE REFUNDED as i need to pay my rent and my accounts. I want answers as to who is responsible for this. If the money is not refunded by wednesday i will be opening a case of at the police station and i will take legal action. You have no idea of the inconvenience mtn has put me in because of your incompetent staff. I want my money.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Only Rentals
Late payment to property owne

Fix my accounts

Cancellation of contract

Account still in arrears, after sending them PoP

Account Problem

Refund of debit orde


First National Bank
Fnb and debt review

Standard Bank
Acc opended, cant use money