

I upgraded my contract with Vodacom on 29 August. The technical person, Rihanna was not able to transfer my numbers from old phone to the new Iphone5.On 2 Sept I went to Vodacare Cresta to have my contacts and photos transferred to Iphone5. Moses Modise assisted me to transfer the photos and contacts. He deleted all my sms's and apps I had downloaded: Yahoo mail, whatsapp, Skype, Siri, Google maps, Facebook, Weather, Mp3 music, Torch, Standard bank Mobile and others. I also discovered later that my brother's wedding photos from the past weekend had been deleted by Moses and he had only transferred 13 of the blackberry photos to the iphone. I have over 700 photos on the blackbery. When Iasked why he had deleted them he said he hadn't. I said they were all on before which he responded that he had not deleted it and I must not accuse him. I got very angry at his attitude and asked to see his manager. Pieter van der Westhuizen said that I handed my phone to them at own risk and no credit would be passed and my info could not be recovered. I explained that I had not signed any document to take responsibility neither were there any signs in the store stating that I am responsible

Company: Vodacom
Country: South Africa
City: Crest
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