Cell C
Incorrect fee charged


In june i went into cell c capegate and took out a second interent contract for R99.00. i was debited a few days later with R114 connection fee. I was advised that i would be debited in July with June and July's subscription of R99 per month... no problem. End of July i was debited with R625.85 and looking at my account see i was charged R271.93 for my subscription and NOT R99 as told by the store. I immediatly called the call center and Jabo confirmed to me that i was overcharged and he would log a query to have this corrected and my acc credited (ref 3072902692) almost 10 days have gone by and nothing has happend. i have called the call centre numerious times but they cant give me a answer and just say they will make a note that i called. how long can it take to sort our a error which they made. i then went into capegate cell c only to find out the consultant no longer workes there. darren then took my query and i said i would wait 24 hours to hear from him... i think i have been patient enough. i have yet to hear from him. cell c get your accounts department sorted out and resolve my query please

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Capegate
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