Cell C
Pathetic voice & data network


I joined Cell C in December after being on both the Vodacom and MTN networks previously. Cell C had extremely attractive deals on the iPhone 5.

The service has been up to standard from December to around April this year. Since then, the service has been atrocious! My calls often fail and 3G never works consistently. I live in Fourways and work in Sandton, and experience the lack of signal in both areas.

As a client one expects a decent level of service, and this is fast becoming a bad nightmare!

It appears that Cell C has offered terrific deals to attract new customers but are unable to provide a decent level of service as their network has been over-subscribed!

Cell C, what can you do to solve my problems???

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Sandton/Fourways
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Cell C
Extremely bad network

Cell C
Network issues

Cell C
Cell c better price, Poor network

Cell C
Bad signal/ reception

Cell C
Cell C: poor network coverage

Cell C
BIS gone BAD

Cell C
No Signal with CELL C!!!

Cell C
Don't be fooled. Cell C network is FAR inferio

Cell C

Cell C
Cell C coverage is a joke