Thank you to @home

Shops, Products, Services

I have recently been trying to open an account with another service provider and have had tremendous troubles in doing so due to lack of feedback from these places as well as pure rude behavior from staff so out of interest I went into @home at Killarney Mall late Wednesday afternoon. I spoke to one of the sales Ladies at the till and asked her about opening up an account with @home and with the warmest smile she informed me and answered all my questions. I asked her if she had a pen that I could lend to fill out the form - not only did she lend me her pen but she got a chair for me to sit down on so that I could fill out the application form comfortably.

Within hours of the next day I received a text message from @home stating that my account was approved and all I had to do was go into the store with a few of my documents to complete and activate my card. The gentleman that received me was just as friendly as the lady from the previous day.

I just think that people spend to much time complaining about bad service and not recommending the good service we receive. Thank you to @home for having friendly, informed and knowledgeable staff. I look forward to doing business with u

Company: @Home
Country: South Africa
City: Killarney Mall
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Customer Service - Does anyone know

Forever New

Almost 2 weeks and still no response from @home

Still waiting for second card


Department Of Home Affairs
Heads up to home affairs

Standard Bank
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First National Bank
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Mr Price Home
BAD service