Checkers & Checkers Hypers
I feel very disappointed with this interaction

Shops, Products, Services

We as a family has been loyal customers of this Checkers stores. What is so upsetting is that I have never been treated so badly by anyone in my life! As I walked up to the teller I saw that the present customer was standing at teller paging through the special pages, this took a few more minutes, after a while I realized what she was doing was that she was sending her daughter to get the specials for her. I told both her and the teller that this is unacceptable conduct I am in a hurry, I then asked to speak to the manager. A man walked up to us not even acknowledging me. I told him it is unrespectable service. He just walked off without saying a word. I then asked the teller I demanded to speak to him again. A young girl came up to the teller and I explained that this type of customer service is unacceptable! Her reply with a attitude was that it was your policy to finish the present customer before helping the next. I walked up to the manager's office and couldn't believe he was making a cup of tea. When I confronted him in the way he treated his customers he just grinned. I was livid and so upset, the teller was very apologetic I must say.. I feel very disappointed

Company: Checkers & Checkers Hypers
Country: South Africa
City: Brackengardens
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Checkers & Checkers Hypers