Pre-paid purchased but NO TV!

Recreation & Entertainment

Public should be made aware that the Pre-paid TOPTV/STARSAT service is a! They say you can do this telephonically, which is what we have done, the money was deducted while we were on the phone with them busy activating the pre-paid service. Hours later - still no TV. A horrific experience! Service was activated for about 5 days and then blocked. After several HELLOPETER reports, phone calls and e-mails we were requested to e-mail bank statements to them as proof of payment WOULD YOU BELIEVE. After that said and done 3 WEEKS LATER STILL NO EXPLANATION. And still no TV! We are in a the middle of dispute now between STANDARD BANK and TOPTV about R239. What a nightmare. Avoid this service at all costs. Search on HELLOPETER FOR SIMILAR INCIDENTS where people paid for pre-paid only to discover a few days later that the service was blocked. Coincidence? I THINK NOT! SOMEONE SHOULD INVESTIGATE THIS! Daylight and nothing to show! I AM EMBARRASED TO EVEN MENTION MY DEALINGS WITH THIS "ENTERTAINMENT" so called SERVICE PROVIDER as there never was any entertainment nor service. Just frustration and a LOT OF PRECIOUS TIME WASTED.

Company: TopTV
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Money missing from account and no tv

Starsat/toptv blocked again

Bad Service

My TopTV Still Not Re-activated Paid R270

No Response, No TV, No service!!!

Paid by credit card but no toptv!

Call cente

Service Blocked!!!

StarSat worse that TopTV

Installers Payments