Not one account paid by medical aid

Health & Medicine

Honestly I am so tired of calling the Bonitas call centre. I think its the worst medical aid ever. I joined when I was already pregnant and I understood fully well that they would not pay for the pregnancy which was fine. Unfortunately I had a fibroid which had to be removed during the c-section cause it was bleeding internally. Bonitas refused to pay saying its an elective operation. Imagine that. So I payed cash for the extra operation that I had all most 8k after paying more than 20k for the birth of my child. I joined mainly because I wanted my child to be covered immediately which they assured me. Now I get a bill for the Pediatrician who attended to my baby when he was born (5 months ago). Bonitas refused to pay that yet I was assured that the baby will be cover the moment he was born. I had to change medical aid due to change of employment beginning April. So far this medical aid has already paid for my spectacles! The least I expected from the medical aid was paying for the pediatrician.

Company: Bonitas
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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Certificate of membership

Hospital Account unpaid since LAST JUNE!

The worst customer service eve

Bonitas medical not terminating my memship

Medical aid to be reinstated and now no cove

The Dark side of Bonitas

Bonitas - Best Value for money

Dr's bill not paid in full!

Not being able to change medical scheme