TopMed Medical Scheme

Health & Medicine

Good Day
Why do the TopMed medical Scheme approve an open wound operation which will mean longer theatre time, longer hospitalisation, longer recovery time and higher risk of infection than that of a Laproscopic operation? It seems that they are not able to explain that to me other than that is their policy.
It seems to me that their policy did not keep up with the times.
A Laproscopic operation is less invasive than an open wound operation.

Company: TopMed Medical Scheme
Country: South Africa
City: Call Centre
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Miscarriage prevention operation

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DR AB Schoeman

Resolution Health Medical Scheme

Topmed Medical Scheme
Absolutely ridiculous!

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Refusal to pay

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Non-Payment of Claim

Discovery Health
Authorisation for Child Operation

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Authorised operation not paid

TopMed Medical Scheme
Unjustified action

Frustrated with Service delivery