Fedhealth Medical Scheme

Health & Medicine

Fedhealth has not added my wife to my medical aid because one section of the application is apparently not filled in correctly. Although, I can clearly see that it is filled in correctly.

I have sent all documentation to them on Monday and they only see it fit to respond to me on a Friday. The Friday at 15:30 before I leave the country on business for a week. My wife is now not covered by a medical aid because they are unable to do their jobs properly.

I am OURAGED! If I were able I would leave this medical aid in an instant but sadly I am bound by my employer. Not only do they take their time to inform you of such things but they also do not take any calls on a weekend so I am not able to contact them.

What kind of organisation is this!?

I actually cannot believe their incompetence and blatant lack of care about their customers. This is a very serious issue because if my wife were involved in an accident she would not have any medical cover because Fedhealth cannot contact me. USELESS!!!

Absolutely and utterly useless. How can you run a medical aid and have no way to contact you on a weekend? How? How do you deal with emergencies? You clearly don't.

Company: Fedhealth Medical Scheme
Country: South Africa
City: National
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