Samsung South Africa
Gift Card Activation

Electronics and household app.

My Samsung headaches are not solved yet. At least the old washing machine is collected and I receieved the washing detergent, but it is impossible to activate the gift card. As part of the Samsung Challenge you were supposed to get a R500 gift card. The card was delivered, but I can't activate it. They say you have to call a number to activate the card. Tried that 3 times - every time the same response. I need to speak to Keletso at Samsung. I am trying for a week to speak to Keletso. Even tried to go through the Call Centre/Customer Care twice and they also advised me to speak to Keletso or Bretley. I even left my phone number with them, Still no luck... There are times that I wait for 20 miutes listening to the same old message all operators are busy, we will attend to your call... Right yeh. WHEN???

Company: Samsung South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office, Johannesburg
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