Not honoring Warranty

Electronics and household app.

We purchased a Cybershot TX just under a year ago, which is suppose to be shockproof up to 1.5m and waterproof up to 5m. A few months ago we noticed small hair line cracks developing in the corners of the casing surrounding the LCD screen. After a while these hairline cracks developed into proper cracks.
We then took it into the place where we bought the camera as it is still under warranty. They sent it to SONY SA who then only got back to us once my husband sent them a mail enquiring about it. They then told us that it's due to water damage and would cost us R3640... really a waterproof camera? We brought this up with them via email & a few days later they respond (after my husband called them again), to say that it's now due to us dropping the camera (which it has NEVER been).
Even so, it's suppose to be shockproof, so how can that be the cause... especially since it was never dropped. This is clearly a case of bad manufacturing and not wanting to honor a warranty claim, as how can it be water damage one week and then the next week due to dropping it? Truly pathetic!! Warranty conveniently expires in 3 days even though we took the camera in with a full months warranty left.

Company: SONY
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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