Higher Insights
Shocking treatment by a supposed healer!

Education & Science

Dr. David Haynes is not what he seems. I can't believe he pretends to help people yet he has treated me terribly and I am shocked! I have spent 6 months trying to study with Higher Insights and paid R6900, yet he only replied to my emails in September while trying to get me to buy all his courses and products. After I paid for everything, he stopped replying to my emails. He was supposed to send me multiple products (which he forced me to buy in order to complete Module 2 of his metaphysics course), yet a few were missing and I emailed him several times over the next few months, but he never replied. He also never sent the hypnotherapy course I paid for, and I again emailed him several times asking where that was. He claimed he emailed me the course, yet he couldn't forward me the email he supposedly sent, or explain why he never replied to my emails asking for it. He also now denies having any affiliation with the University of Metaphysics that I paid him R2000 towards a scholarship for. I even forwarded him the email he sent offering me the scholarship with the prospectus attached and the proof of my payment to him. He just denies it and said that he's going to block my emails!

Company: Higher Insights
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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Higher Insights
Grateful to Dr. David Haynes

Higher Insights
Ripped off!

College SA
No reply to emails


College SA
No reply to my emails and no proof of payment

Cell C
Ignorance to my mails

Wits University
Postgraduate Merit Award ACCEPTANCE LETTER

Sabc Tv Licence
I sent proof but I still get letters of damand?

Cell C
Still no feedback after numerous emails sent

University Of Kwazulu Natal
Administrative incompetency reigns at UKZN