Excellent service!

Cars & Transport

At first when I ordered a S600 Helmet they notified me that they had no stock, and offered me a few other options. They did offer some more expensive helmets at a very discounted price but they were unfortunately not to my liking. So they kindly refunded me when I requested them to do so due to finding the exact item I wanted somewhere else. But the service given at the other company was terrible and I later found out the item was discontinued. So I contacted Glen again, and he offered me another excellent helmet at an amazing price which I ordered immediately. Unfortunately my finances took a sudden dive shortly after I placed the order, and requested a refund yet again. And Glen did so again, and with no attitude or hassle whatsoever!
Definitely will be keeping my eye out to order from them again! And this time going through with the sale for sure!

Company: Ridestuff
Country: South Africa
City: East London
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Bike Zone
Universal helmet Kit for 2 Bikers Interphone F5

Mr Price
Failure to refund for goods not delivered

Game not delivering on their promise

Nivo Shopping
Nivo reneged on the price of an advertised item

Dhl International
Incorrect calculation of customs duties

Game really me off

Mr Price Home
Bed discontinued and no stock

The price I see is the price I should pay

Jam Clothing
Selling 1 item priced for 2 items

Mr Price