First National Bank
In what Century do you live?

Business & Finance

Please help me to understand as my perception of technology is turned on its head and fuzzy logic tickles: We live in the year 2013. Not 1913 or 1813 or the hippie 60's, even. We have landed on the moon and bombed with atoms. Our race might even survive Justin Bieber and Crocs.

I digress. FNB and Technology 101:
You prefer to get your clients to use ATMs rather than banks, swipe cards instead of using cash, and use internet banking. Good! With you so far.

You also have a "contact us" option from your internet banking. Which I used. Technology, right? Wrong!! 24 hours later I received an email: "We have referred your email to Credit Card division (does this mean they will contact me... and when?)... You may contact them directly on 087 ... (if I wanted to phone them I would've) or email them on [Email Removed] (why? I emailed you! Forward the darn email).

Your contact function on your web page is as helpful as a chocolate poker. Ridiculous!

Customer assistance is like a fish: If you leave it for too long it stinks. This was too long.

Bad FNB!!! Go stand in the corner. Or fix my stuff.

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
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Internet Banking Erro

First National Bank
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First National Bank