Capitec Bank
Fustrated and NOT impressed!!!

Business & Finance

To anyone from Capitec Bank

I am VERY frustrated with Capitec Bank that is unable to help me! I took out a loan and advised that my salary payate is the 25th of every month (this was confirmed by our offices)

My debit order coms off earlier - always before my salary is in.

They say if they look at my bank statement it is around the 23 / 24 - this is only because of public holidays / sundays / due to the fact that it is paid into my account the night before the 25th.

My debit order must come off the 25th - not a day earlier! If my debit order bounces - Capitec will be responsible to sort out my record and pay any charges cause i REFUSE to!!!

I can not believe that it is so hard to change the date! I am dissapointed with the service from this bank and will NEVER do any oother business with them! As soon as my loan is paid up i am done with Capite.

This is my final request - after this Capitec must carry on and pay for charges that come with it.

Hopefully this will help - cause i am not sure what else to do!!!

Company: Capitec Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Customer care - loan
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