Standard Bank
I still fail to understand the outcome as received

Business & Finance

According to my update on Hello Peter, there's a document that I need to bring in. I do not understand what document that is as according to the telephonic conversation we had, I was informed that I will not be refunded as I did not report the matter timeously, which I also fail to understand as I reported the matter the moment I realised that my money was gone, which was within 24 hours after the withdrawals were made.

Can you please clarify for me the following:

- what is timeously?
-How long after losing money does a customer have to report the matter?
-Why am I being told a different as to what is updated on Hello Peter?
-Why did it take my having to log a case with Hello Peter for me to find out that the reference number I was given was not for the money I lost?

I hope you will be able to answer the above as a customer I feel I need to understand fully, the reasons behind my request to be refunded being declined. My card and pin were safely in my possession. As a customer I entrusted the safe keeping of my money with standard bank.

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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