African Bank
First time I get bad service

Business & Finance

I came to the brnach for a lona. Nunu took all documents. She never provided me wit feedback regrding the status of the application. When I call her, she says she doesn't know and I Tue, Jul 30, 2013 call the headoffice. Which I did countless times. The fact that she is not making an effort to call the dept that are responsible at that time. She keeps on saying I know know. I called the manager Vijal, I xplained the story. He called me back and promised to get down tho the application. I never got a cal again from him. I called the call centre, spoke to thandeka, catherine, shannaz, precious who all had a different story. I've never seen such service, instaed the branched in Soweto are more efficient. Very disappointed that I spke to more than 5 people who could assit and pick up where the problenm was.

Company: African Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Ghandi squar
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