Gerhard Van Der Merwe Attorneys
Stop taking advantage, Stop harassing me with you

Business & Finance

Reference-NWW02943-attorneys number 0137593700
I want Woolworths and their attorneys Gerhard UD Merwe to STOP, I need you guys to stop harassing me, I struggled to find a job as I was listed for 3 to five years, so now you are starting again with your calls, I know you pay attorneys to harass me with this calls, I want to know after everything you have put me through why should I still pay you. If you want your money, you should have thought about this before you guys painted my name red take your "so called further steps" I really do not care as for calling me at work that's not acceptable really now? im so off is not even funny... please sort this out with your lawyers cause it's really irritating to get stupid calls like this... Worse you are sending some guy to come get my signature ..why should I sign if I was listed on ITC before. Guys I truly don't have time for your games, you better sort this out with your Attorneys also advised them that you listed me after I gave you guys letter that am retrenched and am unemployed. I told your so called Mr that I will never sign for something I don't understand

And really why I must I pay you whereas you blacklisted me huh! I a

Company: Gerhard Van Der Merwe Attorneys
Country: South Africa
City: Johanessburg
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Stop Harrassing me, and Stop saying I must pay or s


Gerhard Van Der Merwe Attorneys
Overbilling, harrassment on prescribed account

Gerhard Van Der Merwe Attorneys
Garnishing orde

Gerhard Van Der Merwe Attorneys
Efusal to remove my name from the credit bureau

Company Listed me and now cant clear my name

MBD Attorneys
Settled files sold to other Law Firms

JM Attorneys
JM Attorneys harassing me

MBD Attorneys
Over-billing on prescribes