Is Computershare trustworthy?

Business & Finance

My late husband handed in a Standard Bank share certificate for dematerialisation on 10 August 2012. It was received and signed for by O. Ramono. When his share portfolio was transferred to me, the Standard Bank shares were missing on the statement.

I logged a query about this with Audrey Moabelo on 16/04/2013. On 25/04/2013 I followed up because I had not had any feedback. I spoke to Themba, and since there was no progress, insisted that the query be marked urgent. I also insisted that a manager call me by 17:00 on 30 April 2013 to confirm that the problem was solved. Again, I was ignored, so I called again at about 15:20 on 03 May 2013, got Themba again, and again there was no progress. I insisted on being put through to a manager, and was left hanging on for so long that I rang off.

I find Computershare's handling of this matter sloppy to say the least, and question both their competence and their client orientation. I want those Standard Bank shares to reflect correctly on my statement, end of story.

Company: Computershare
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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