Cell C
Website still broken


What does it take to listen to a customer trying to help you out? Your mobile website advertising international roaming costs is STILL broken. I reported it back in August, it's been reported twice again since then. This is the fourth time I'm telling you that someone needs to fix it. I lost R3000 because I naively assumed roaming in a first world country wouldn't be ridiculously expensive as I couldn't check on the mobile site while about. Please kick your useless IT department or communications department into touch. [URL Removed] is the page that's broken. You can't select any countries beyond Columbia alphabetically to see roaming costs. Dont bother trying to contact me, I've given up using my cell C sim despite having until Feb on my contract. I'll not be renewing my other four contracts with Cell C either.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: National
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