Cell C
Poor or no network coverage


Can somebody please assist me. I cannot get coverage on my Z10. My address is 16 Nienaber Road Elandspark Johannesburg. According to you coverage map this area is fully covered. I can barely make a call or have BB coverage. This have been ongoing for a few months. The most your call centre can tell me is that I should remove my battery and put it back again. Doesn't help at all. Can someone knowledgeable please assist me urgently.

Robin Naidoo

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Call Centre
  <     >  


Still no coverage in Ruimsig area

Poor Network Coverage

Cell C
No coverage

3G coverage map incorrect

Cell C
Cell C network coverage unacceptable

Cell C
Swop to cell c for good price but poor coverage

All I want is Voice & Data coverage inside my home

Cell C
Pathetic Network Coverage

Cell C
No coverage blamed on terrain

Cell C
Poor Service