Cell C
Ad internet connection


Before you ask me all the technical details again. Here they are:

Gigabyte laptop. I7 3rd generation. 16 GB of RAM. Windows 7 Professional 64 bit operating system.

Cell C MF668 dongle. And yes. I have downloaded the current version of your connection software.

Connected at 28 Mbps per second. Connection shows HSPA .

Well I can tell you one thing. 3G is faster. Took me 10 minutes just to log in to Hello Peter.

I am in Table View just outside Cape Town. In the CBD I get up to 2000 Mbps download. Your map shows that I should get the same here. i think your network is not as extensive as you would like people to know. That is why your rates are lower than the big boys. I happen to do consulting at one of them in IT.

Please don't reply by saying you have referred to a specific consultant. Just a smoke screen. Your network. You have to many people on it, and your throughput is suffering.

This is just a heads up for anybody that wants to buy a Cell C device. It might sound good, but their network cannot handle the numbers.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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