No connection & no response from MTN for 9 months


I bought an iPad in July last year, I have a Mac and an iPhone so I didn't need an iPad, the ONLY reason I bought it was to have a back up for when my wireless was down. From the moment I got it, the connection didn't work, I have called them to sort it out several times a month, I have been in to many stores... and I have sent through the spreadsheet with all the info on my device 2 times... I had a manager take over my case - and he was worse than anyone else, would not take my calls, would say he would come back to me then didn't. It is now May, almost a year later and they won't let me cancel till the MTN technician comes to my house to do an assessment - and they to date have still not. They said they would 3 weeks ago, and now still nothing. If I never have to have anything to do with MTN again I will be happy. I have never experienced worse service, more incompetence... lack of customer service then anywhere else. They all are great on the phone but then when you put the phone down or leave, they don't follow up and leave you hanging

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Craighall
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Autopage blame MTN and leave me hanging

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