Virgin Active South Africa
Keep it Up!


I would like to thank VA for the great service i receive They greet my name when I swipe in, the gym is kept clean, and it's the small things they do which makes all the difference. I would like to make suggestions to make them a better gym:
I recently attended an impromptu Dance workout class and I really enjoyed myself. From Salsa to Sophia town, the class was well received and everyone had a great time, and also learned a thing or two about dance, which was amazing. I really think this should be repeated as its great workout and appeals to many members.
I also worry about the building safety in which they are situated, as there is constant leakings in the basement parking and burst pipes which we have to manoeuvre around. Last year, I read an article that the balcony in this building fell, sadly killing some of its residents. I am concerned that the building has since, not been properly fixed. Maybe if they could please put up notice of City Councils approval of the Building Safety since that sad event, that would put me and others at ease.
Otherwise i would like to commend them on the great job, having a smile on their faces. Keep it up.

Company: Virgin Active South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Milpark
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Aquarium Centre
Great Service, Great Product!!!

Oriental Dance Studio
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Virgin Active South Africa
Nova class

Virgin Active South Africa
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Virgin Active South Africa
Loving the friendliness

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If you come to Cape Town do not stay here!

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Virgin Active South Africa
Zero communication