Virgin Active South Africa
Don't care attitude


My car was broken into at Virgin Active in Milpark on the 25th of Feb 2013 between 19h00 and 20h00 while I was in the gym. It was parked at underground parking few meters from the gym entrance. An HP Laptop, clothes and a cellphone where. We viewed one camera but couldnt see anything. We couldnt view the others because they are managed by another company whose manager refused to come because it was after working hours. There are security guards who are supposed to be patrolling the area.

Until today I haven't received a call from Virgin Active. Let alone informing me if the other cameras were viewed.

This accident was a further proof to me that Virgin Active really doesn't bother or care about the well being of its members. How does one loose such valuable items meters away from the entrance where they are supposed to be guards.

I then wrote to Head-office and Jacqui promised on the 23rd of March to contact me but till today no one has

Company: Virgin Active South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Milpark
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