Pick 'n Pay
Ad hygiene and attitude

Shops, Products, Services

I was in the store this evening at 19:30 as i was entering the store i took a basket and it was dirty with old dry sauce, or juice not sure what! I did complain about this before (not just once) and nothing gets done about this!!! And at the bakery counter i was waiting to be served by one of the lady's, the lady was in front of me having a chat with one of the other staff members i waited for here to finish??? Come on this is not what you expect from a pick n pay one of the biggest retailers in sa long story short is there no one that looks after the pick n pay name??? I lost my cool and stormed out of the store like a 12year old, i Will not allow this to happen again and so i wil not support the store again not one cent!!!

Company: Pick 'n Pay
Country: South Africa
City: The perfect center
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