Yvonne Nathan Real Estate Management
Complaint incorrectly lodged against Yvonne Nathan

Real Estate

With reference to my complaint made on 25 September stating bad service from Yvonne Nathan, I would like to sincerely apologise for this allegation. It was brought to my attention yesterday that Vera, the rude employee referred to, does not work for Yvonne Nathan but instead she works for Angor Property Management, the complex's managing agent. I therefore retract my statement and wish to apologise for any harm, damage or inconvenience that this has caused Yvonne Nathan Real Estate Management.

That said, it is rather unfortunate that I have had to make this apology due to Yvonne Nathan threatening me with legal action. Based on the fact hat Yvonne Nathan was actually innocent and rendered no bad service to me in this regard, I would otherwise have preferred to make this apology in good faith, instead of with a threat of legal action against me.

Company: Yvonne Nathan Real Estate Management
Country: South Africa
City: Fourways
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