Moms Uif Assist
No refund after 1 yea


I had my baby in January 2013 and had already paid moms uif assist to help me with claiming uif, however my baby came 3 weeks early and there was all kinds of "terms and conditions" which meant I would have to do the majority of the work myself - so I decided not to claim after all.
I did not utilize their services once for anything at all - therefore as a consumer I would expect a refund. I was informed by the "manager" that I would only receive a 50% refund, which I accepted, despite the fact that they had done nothing at all to receive the other 50%. 1 year later I am STILL waiting for my refund after about 10 different excuses and 10-15 ignored emails. The "manager" has now resorted to ignoring me completely!! Whilst this refund may not be a lot of money to most, I could really use it and frankly out of principal.

Company: Moms Uif Assist
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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Moms Uif Assist

Moms Uif Assist
No Response

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Consumer Assist
Refund and Bad Service