Electricity Cut


Bethuel Mokwele from Eskom came to my home to cut off electricity on tuesday saying that we had trapped it so we don't lose units and buy more electricity which is wrong because I buy electricity every 2 weeks and the units always run out, I have bank statements to prove this and depleted electricity units. We had problems with the meter box for months now and called the eskom call centre and the person I spoke to said he doesn't work with meterboxes but did not transfer me to someone who can help me. The meterbox would go down any minute even if there's nothing plugged in. My family has been without electricity since tuesday and they say we should pay R2180 before we get electricity. The eskom number provided on the piece of paper Mr Mokwele gave us is not our meter number, our meter number is 07028963101 the one written there is 07028963077 and the landline number doesn't exist when we call it 0860100304 and 0860001414... there's also an absa account number provided on that paper... please help us get electricity back. Thank you.

Company: Eskom
Country: South Africa
City: Limpopo Bochum
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Pre Paid Electricity Mete

I've been reporting electricity for 3 months now!!!

First National Bank
Purchasing electricity via FNB mobile App

Protea Metering
Cost too much

I'm uable to purchase electricity due to my card

One very disdpointed custome


In darkness for months