Compressport Sa
Forquads - warranty not upheld


I just got feedback from the shop, that the supplier is not going to replace the product as the washing instructions was not followed. I have only used Omo liquid to soak and wash this. If the product was weaken by this, why not both. Another think is that supplier say that it was a black pair which came out white with the wash. I have sent the box in which the product was purchase back with it and it was white. I also sent photo`s where it could clearly be seen that the product is white that was purchase. My son only used this product for 3 rugby games as he was injured and within one month it tore.

I am not happy with this and if I have to take this further I will have to as this is not small coins we talking about. I bought him the second skins, similar product, which I he is been using, with no problems. I use the same omo liquid to wash and don't even hang it in direct sunlight. According to the supplier OMO should not be used to wash these products. On the package it does not state that no detergents such as OMO must be used to wash it.

Company: Compressport Sa
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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