My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
If you want to heal, this is the place

Health & Medicine

I went through so much trauma in my life and i honestly thought i would never recover. This place and the this lady changed my life, brought the possibility of love and light into my future again and made me believe in people and hope again. Dr D you compassion and complete unconditional understanding and tenacity saved my life. Your firm and unrelinquishing passion for confronting pain and trauma until healing takes place scared the living )(*&@ out of me at first, but the fact that you never gave up got me to be who I am today. The education my family and I got from you brought healing and love into a family that was almost Broken beyond repair. If you want real life, come to this house and practice. If you want to heal, experience this lady. You not coming here to get a program that works (even though it does!), you are coming here to learn how to make the program and life work for you. Hard work, dedication and commitment are the veins in this program. Self worth, self love and tolerance for all human beings and life are the assets you will walk away will. Anyone who says otherwise - doesnt want to get better. THANK YOU FOR GIVING ME LIFE AGAIN

Company: My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
Country: South Africa
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My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
Your light and miracle work saved my life

My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
Amazing program!!!

My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
My choice is LIFE... Not DRUGS

My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
To Go or Not to Go!

Philmar Body Clinic
Slender Wonder Stars

Dr Picolo saved my life

Oneplan Health Insurance
Is the call centre qualified doctor's?

My Choice Is Clear Halfway House
Accusations not fair or true

3 weeks for hospital authorization??