Stone Cradle
Bad customer service

Health & Medicine

I attended a work function at Stone Cradle early this year. I was so impressed with the place, the food was delicious. So I recommended that we have buffet lunch there for my mother's 60th birthday, We booked for 49 guests for, 21 July 2013, - .The Stone Cradle glasses were on the table and the waiters came around to take drink orders, without informing our guests about the bottomless that we paid for already. Is this a money making?? As they knew that we paid for the bottom less fountain. The place was full, we had to stand in long queues for food - only get in front and there were no plates. This trend continued throughout the day, no plates and no cutlery, and the clearing of the tables took for ever. I am very disappointed in the bad service that received from Stone Cradle; there is clearly deliverance in the service delivery for corporate and private functions. Not all of our kiddies got their bottles. I won't recommend this place to anyone I know to have any function -corporate, private at Stone Cradle. They charge for everything and expect customers to tip the staff as well, they even charge you for using their table cloths- R45.00 per table.

Company: Stone Cradle
Country: South Africa
City: Centurion
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