Digitalwarehouse By Mescam Technology
Faith in customer care restored

Computers & Services

I was about to give up on the fact that companies actually do care about their customers. I have almost started to believe that majority of companies in this country can't care any less about customers and happily ignore their requests. Being ignored or never receiving reply to an email is way too common phenomenon.
digitalwarehouse showed me that there are still companies that do care about their customers.
Jeremy was super helpful and went out of his way to help me with my order.
He replied to every email, answered every question and was very patient with me. :o)
It was truly fantastic to deal with jenet. Superb customer service.

Thank you so much. I wish more companies were like yours.

I will definitely recommend your company to all my friends.

Company: Digitalwarehouse By Mescam Technology
Country: South Africa
City: Durban
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