Car Service City
Failure to give feedback

Cars & Transport

On July 20th I had my vehicle, a Hyundai Tucson serviced at a cost of R4000. On collection later that day I neglected to check if the old parts were left in my vehicle as per company policy. I only noticed much later over the weekend that the parts were in fact not there.

I contacted CSC on the 22nd of July and Lester (the manager/owner) was going to follow up with his workshop regarding the old parts and get back to me. It is the 3rd of August and I am yet to get feedback from Lester.

I however contacted CSC yesterday (2nd of August) as I noticed my car's service manual is missing. Lester was unavailable to handle my query as he had left early. The receptionist was extremely unhelpful.

I contacted Lester at the Northriding branch today and he was extremely agitated and annoyed. He hardly allowed me to explain my side of things. Yes, I was also agitated as I don't see why I should contact them to get feedback when he promised he was going to get back to me.

He told me in a very abrupt fashion that they have disposed of my old parts. When I enquired about the service book he became defensive. Before I could respond he dropped the call on me. I worry that I was ripped off.

Company: Car Service City
Country: South Africa
City: Northriding
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