Capitec Bank
Card Syndicate

Business & Finance

Good Day

Recently i spoke to your department regarding an incident that occured at the end of December whereby known syndicates who operating in Johannesburg are scamming people out of their hard earned money.

Now i was recently R16000 by the above mentioned people who are using your bank mainly as well as other banks to conduct card . i reported the account numbers to your dept and when
i complained about this nothing was done by your bank, which im sorry is unacceptable and pathetic service.

I dont find it acceptable for people to your money and the bank does nothing. Still to this day these people are continuing to peoples money through your bank.

I want something done about this, if not i will be taking this to 3rd Degree, Carte Blanche and all the major news networks. I should not have to go this far but when is happening and your bank sits back and does nothing about it something needs to be done. I want to speak to the CEO of Capitec.


Company: Capitec Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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Card Syndicate

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