AIG Life South Africa

Business & Finance

I was hospitalised on the 05/01/13 & ended up in ICU for 5 days & had surgery as the doctor found a right adnexal mass (tumor). Initial claim sent in the middle of Jan & waited till end of Jan to find out the status only to be told that a letter was sent to me requesting further docs (to date i have yet to receive the letter) Asked to get the hospital file cost R350, a supporting letter from doctor cost R200, radiology, pathology & cytology reports & a sick note from work. All these docs were submitted to Mrs Ferhana Mehtar on 04/03/13 & since 05/03 has been with the medical examiner. What i don't understand is when i was called to take the policy i was told that if you are in hospital & submit a claim you would be paid an X amount per day, nothing of getting docs at my own expense & of such a delay, took this to help with medical bills not to add stress. Now told that my file is for review & will get feedback of the outcome once Mrs Mehtar receives it back. OUTCOME... What the heck..i was in ICU & had surgery for heavens sake... what more evidence could AIG possibly need. Mrs Mehtar has been helpful but how long does the medical examiner need to finalise this???

Company: AIG Life South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: South Africa
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