2nd complaint

Business & Finance

I logged a complaint last week and ABSA did all the paper work to look like they were resolving this. I even got a call from someone who said they would contact credit card division and get back to me. Its been 3 days. I was also told that i needed to delink the old card on line myself. I have tried and i cant so again this issue is not resolved and it appears no one at ABSA knows how to.

I have been trying to resolve this for a few years now and still no luck. When my current credit card expires and i get a new one i will have 3 on my profile. Please only get someone who wants to resolve this to call me not someone that doesnt call back as promised.

Please dont call me if you dont have a solution as to how to remove the old credit card account off my online profile. I CANT DO IT SO DONT CALL AND TELL ME TO DO IT wheni try it says that i cant delink the nominated account.

To top that off the last woman that called said that when a card expires and you get a new one only the last 4 numbers change. Why wasnt that the case with my cards the whole number changed.

Company: Absa
Country: South Africa
City: Call centre
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