Discovery Insure
Looking out for her custome

Business & Finance

I would like to acknowledge Katleho for her client centric approach. She went above and beyond to accommodate and as a result, dazzle her client. This was my second very very positive encounter with Discovery Insure and I would like to commend Discovery for once again delivering on their promises.

Company: Discovery Insure
Country: South Africa
City: Discovery Insure
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Discovery Insure
Customer Service and Response

Discovery Insure
Poor Service – Discovery Insure not delivering

Discovery Insure
Bad service: 3rd party claim

Discovery Insure
Discovery Insure Number one

Discovery Insure
Excellent Client Services Katleho E Mathotha

Discovery Insure
Account Cancelled and Still Billed

Discovery Insure
Issue resolved

Discovery Insure
Discovery are fantastic!

Discovery Insure
Great help after car accident

Discovery Insure
Discovery Insure are going to lose my Business!!