The Unlimited
The Unlimited Harrassment!!

Business & Finance

In the past few weeks I have been inundated with calls from "The Unlimited" trying to market me some motor warranty extender product. After the first call I told them I was not interested and not to call again - since then I have been called daily - sometimes up to 3 times a day. I can see their number from the caller ID 27310000413 and there have been several instances when they would call and just hang up. This is bordering on harassment now. I've just received yet another call this morning and when I asked the agent to please remove me from that list and not to contact me again, he was just rude and arrogant.
These companies should not be allowed to harass people like this, more so during business hours when most of us are busy with work and do not have the time to listen to some half-wit read off a script really badly!!

Company: The Unlimited
Country: South Africa
City: Durban - telesales
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