Checkers & Checkers Hypers
Chip decline-beware

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Has this happened to you? has your chip card been declined at checkers during this season? if yes go look at your bank statement and see if what happened to me has happened to you! 23rd december my total to be paid by me to chechers was R418 so I gave them my chip card to be swiped.the cashier informed me that my card was rejected due to "chip declined". So I asked her to try again, so she called a floor supervisor and tried it again on a different bank machinEe. Again chip declined so I insisted on trying again on another machine cause I had money in my account so why all this chip declined nonsense. Now the front end controller went onto another machine and tried it again! Yes, again the same nonsense. The code that came up with it was code 05, I inquired what it meant and they said that it reads something like, do not let the goods go. Well I eventually paid the amount in cash and went off to the bank. To banks surprise and mine the three chip declines were deducted from my account! I then informrd checkers but I have not yet heard from them. I've been advised that .that is and. I was not allowed to take my things befor I pd cash but they had taken my money

Company: Checkers & Checkers Hypers
Country: South Africa
City: Hermanus
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