Speed Services Couriers
Speed Service/Witspos have no concept for Busines

Cars & Transport

Our company use Speed Services on a weekly basis to send between 30 and 40 parcels worth thousands and we have being do so for many years, But when they go on strike and there is no proper communication or update on what is happening it becomes very frustrating for both us and our clients. We all have deadlines and we cannot meet this if there is no service delivery and Speed Services as well as the SA Post Office do nothing to rectify this. Witspos is at a standstill while customers important parcels sit there and collect dust and no money is being made. We need to know how long this is going to go on until

Company: Speed Services Couriers
Country: South Africa
City: Gauteng
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Speed Services Couriers
Once again Speed Services on Strike!

Speed Services Couriers
Speed services strike

Speed Services Couriers
Bad service and delivery

Speed Services Couriers
Terrible Service

Speed Services Couriers

Speed Services Couriers
7 Parcels and tampered with in 12 months

Speed service parcels regularly

Speed Services Couriers
Speed Services don't deliver as agreed

Speed Services Couriers
No Speed Delivery

Speed Services Couriers