» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Barloworld Motor Retail - Item sold | #214761

Barloworld Motor Retail
Item sold

I have written a complain about this company lasdt week and didn't receive any feedback from them I even went on to there website and still no feedback was received, it seems that these people does have a non care attitude as they become to big
Complain: Last week I saw an add on a Polo Vivo in the Alberton newspaper. I phoned these people and they promised to bring the car the next day to me to test drive. I said to the sales men that if everything is fine when I test drive the car I will buy it cash. The day when they were suppose to bring the car to me I received an sms stating that the car was sold, why didn't they gave me option first option to have a look at the car as they didn't had any pending details prior to me speaking to the sales men
I followed this up but the person that is responsible for there leads didn't come back to me but only after I followed her up again than the DP phoned me but the excuses I received isn't on as the DP told me there were a finance deal in before me and the sales men spoke but this wasn't told to me.


Company: Barloworld Motor Retail

Country: South Africa   City: Alberton

Category: Cars & Transport


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