» Cars & Transport » Complaint / review: Zx Auto - Brand New vehicle More Problems then anything else | #44692

Zx Auto
Brand New vehicle More Problems then anything else

Good day
I bought a brand new Vehicle in September 2012. The vehicle that I bought is a ZX Auto Grandtiger 2.2i Double Cab Bakkie.
Since I bought the vehicle I had endless problems with the vehicle. The vehicles electrical wire is haywire, when the doors are closed the light goes on saying the door is open.
The vehicle does not brake and the master brake cylinder has already been replaced and still having the same problem.
The vehicle smells like petrol every time I full up or if we use the aircon.
The electrical widows does not always open or close.
There is no way to get a steady fuel consumption. They said the vehicle fuel consumption is between 10-12 Km per Litre I am currently getting between 4.5-6.8 Km per Litre.
I called the operations Manager Trevor Thomas on the 18/01/2013 to make a booking to get my vehicle repaired and I am still waiting for them to call me.
My vehicle has been to them several times and they never call to give feedback nor provide me with a courtesy car so that I can get to work.
The vehicle has been taken in for repairs so many time that we can even keep track anymore.

Kind Regards


Company: Zx Auto

Country: South Africa   City: Pretoria North Gerrit Ma

Category: Cars & Transport


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