» Business & Finance » Complaint / review: First National Bank - Incidental credit fee | #214127

First National Bank
Incidental credit fee

This is a complaint on behalf of my mother..can it be explained what is the incidental credit fee of R57 on her account and why was it debited on 24/08/2013 and then again on the 31/08/2013. as far as she knows she is on a per transaction plan, because even waivable fees are deducted on the account. and a deposit of R500 costs R30.. these charges are just ridiculous and make no just cant be that in one week charges worth R114 are deducted. when did the Smart account become this expensive? and what is this cardwise that reflects on her online banking profile? please contact her on her cell number.


Company: First National Bank

Country: South Africa   City: Head office

Category: Business & Finance


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